Walking - Easy and Effective Exercise For Everyone

  Man has walked from a very long time. Right from the time he could stand without the support of his hands unlike his predecessors, he has walked miles and miles. Hence, walking is part of our genetic make up and fabric of our being. Walking can be whatever you make of it. If you are tired, it can be a form of recuperation, if you are bored it can be a recreation and if you need to exercise, walking can help you burn calories in a very low impacted way.
  Earlier man had no modes of transport. He would walk his way to any where. HE would climb mountains, wade in rivers and walk to his destination. So, there was nothing known as obesity since whatever man ate could be used up for his physical exercise. Then as time passed by he discovered alternatives to walking like using animals or carts and now cars. Now days it's surprising that people just don't like to walk. They go to run an errand; they use their car or bike! They want to post a letter, they use their vehicle. As a result, there is an increase in the obesity levels amongst the young and the old.
  What can mere walking do for you when there are so many options like jump boxing, tai chi and aerobics clamoring for your attention? Here are some great things that walking can do for you:
 o Weight loss: If you are obese or have never exercised before, then you are likely to strain a muscle or something if you start with high impact aerobics or something. Walking can help you to ease into your weight loss initiative and knock of those heavy kilos. Once you start walking you can increase or decrease your intensity as you like depending on your fitness levels.
 o Increasing the good cholesterol: Researches have shown that walking can keep your cholesterol problems at bay because it can enhance the production of good cholesterol and inhibit the bad cholesterol. With walking as a regular exercise there are less chances of you getting strokes and heart problems since it aids in increasing the blood circulation.
 o High blood pressure: If you are suffering from high blood pressure then you may not want to risk a high intensity exercise. Rather walking can be your exercise and tailor made to suite you mood and health.
 o Pregnant mothers: Before those modern Lamaze classes came into being, walking was the best exercise for all mothers to be. Walking regularly helped them to relax and even remain well. Some old thought people advocate walking for pregnant mothers to advocate an easy natural delivery.
 o Walking with kids: IF you want your kids to be health conscious and fit from the very beginning, then walking is a great way to do it. It can turn into a great adventure as you walk through the hills, plains and valleys of your neighborhood. Walking can also be a great way to bond with your kid and give him quality time, share perspectives and generally talk about things.
  Walking is one of the best ways to meditate about life, improve your metabolic rate and bond with the family. Which other exercise offers you such great benefits?

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