How Safe Are Fish Oil Products Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Children


     A child's safety and well-being are every parent's main concern. It is no secret that Omega 3 fatty acids have a very good effect on the health of children and adults alike. These essential acids help in the appropriate development of the brain. For this reason, it is critical that parents incorporate food rich in Omega 3 into their children's diet from the time they are capable of eating solid food. Not all children like the taste of fish so parents can substitute these for fish oil supplements. So now parents would like to know how safe these supplements are for children.
     Fish is considered the best form of Omega 3 foods. However, few children enjoy eating natural fish. Therefore, the only alternative is to give them fish products instead. In spite of doctor's recommending these supplements, parents are still in two minds about it. It has been proven time and again by many studies and researches done in the past that they have many benefits on a child's health. Let's discuss a few benefits these supplements have on a child and then parents can decide from themselves if these products are safe.
    Fish oil supplements help in the proper growth and function of the brain in a child. The first and most important benefit an Omega 3 fatty acid product has on a child is that it promotes proper brain development. In young children, the brain is developing continuously. For this it requires more nutrients. As a result, it absorbs all the available nutrients. The lack of adequate omega 3 fatty acids in a child can cause retardation, which is caused due to the slow development of the brain.
    Omega 3 fatty acid products prevent obesity Junk food is a way of life for most children. They don't eat proper meals, but no one can stop them from eating junk. They literally live on these junk foods, and it is very difficult to get them to eat nutritional and healthy food. Obesity can be a dangerous consequence of this as too much junk food results in the accumulation of excess fat in a child's body. To avoid this, the intake of omega 3 fatty acids through supplements is very important. The non inflammatory characteristic of this acid stops a child from suffering from acute cases of obesity even when he eats a lot of junk food.
    Other benefits of Omega 3 fatty acid products on children These are just few of the benefits that substances rich in Omega 3 fatty acids have on a child's health. The list is endless. Sadly, so is the list of disease a child may face if he or she suffers from a deficiency of this essential acid. Some of them are low-level of intelligence slowing talking and walking growth, depression, loss of proper vision, retardation and an extremely short attention time span. The normal form of fish oil is not recommended for children for two main reasons. The first one is that a child may not like the taste of natural fish as it smells horrible too. Due to all this, he would refuse to eat it. The other reason is that natural fish usually contains pesticides, mercury and PCB's, which are harmful to a child. Due to this, supplements are the best option for children. However, parents need to be careful while buying these supplements as well. Some brands sell substandard supplements that contain these harmful toxins. Buying from a reputed brand is the safest move. These small issues need to be taken care of by parents as children are more exposed to diseases than adults as they constantly encounter germs while they play or roam around as they are less attentive to the bacteria and viruses that surround them.

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