What Causes Diabetes?

   Diabetes Mellitus is a disease which affects millions of people all over the world and is a leading cause of death. Diabetes is caused when the body fails to produce and use insulin which is incredibly valuable for the human body. The body uses insulin to convert sugar, starches and food byproducts into energy. There are three main forms of the diabetes which can affect everyone at any time in their life.
   Type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes are all on the increase, and unfortunately, more children than ever before are suffering with some form of diabetes. The exact cause of diabetes is still un-known; however, there are typical symptoms, which will point, towards this disease. If you are suffering from fatigue, weight loss, extreme thirst and hunger and frequent urination it may be an idea to check that you are not suffering from some form of diabetes.
   Pancreas transplants have been attempted in the past; however, they have proved to be unsuccessful, and for some people, they will need to be treated with insulin for the rest of their lives. Your diet and lifestyle may be affecting your diabetes. Often doctors will advise losing weight, giving up smoking, alcohol and eating a healthy diet to improve the diabetes. You will need to learn how to monitor your blood sugar levels and alter your diet to ensure that you are receiving the right amounts of sugar.
    People who suffer from Type 1 diabetes will need to take insulin every day, and this will need to be injected. Children who suffer from this form of diabetes will soon learn how to administer the insulin themselves, and it will become a part of everyday life. Type 2 diabetes is often easier to control and will fluctuate depending on your diet and lifestyle.
  Obesity is often the largest cause of Type 2 diabetes and losing weight and keeping fit will help you to keep the disease under control. Although some people will need to have insulin every day, other people will only need it when their blood sugar is low. Pregnant women with often suffer from diabetes during their pregnancy and this form is known as gestational diabetes. If the diabetes is monitored well, and a healthy diet and lifestyle remains the diabetes should go away once the baby is born.
   Some people feel that diabetes is genetic, and you are more likely to suffer from diabetes if there is a family history of the disease. However, some children and family members never suffer from the disease at all; therefore, it is still unknown if there is a connection. Diabetes is an extremely serious disease which can lead to a huge number of other health problems and conditions. In severe cases, people have lost limbs due to poor circulation, suffered from strokes and heart disease.
  If you are suffering from any of the symptoms relating to diabetes, you must ensure that you seek professional medical assistance. The sooner you can be diagnosed and a treatment found the more likely you are to remain as healthy as possible. You should ensure that you eat well and exercise daily, both of which will help your body to deal with any illness or disease.

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