Weight Loss Vitamins

   The best prescription for weight loss is a combination of eating less and exercising more. It's important not to eat too little, as your body will go in to starvation mode and hold on to stored fat thinking it's going to need it for later. Eating the right kinds of foods is also very important. Ensuring that your body has a sufficient amount of certain vitamins can help aid in the weight loss process. The most natural way is to ensure that the foods you're consuming contain these weight loss vitamins, but there are also several other sources that will still provide the needed vitamins for weight loss from pills, powders, and liquids. We're going to take a closer look at weight loss vitamins and which ones can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
  B Vitamins
  There are a variety of weight loss vitamins in the "B" family. There are 13 essential vitamins that the body needs, and eight of them are from the B family. Overall, they aid in metabolism, the production of energy, and red blood cell synthesis. Individually, here are some of the additional benefits and where you can find these weigh loss vitamins in your foods:
  B2 - Riboflavin - B2 makes sure your thyroid and metabolism are functioning properly. It aids in providing you needed energy, therefore when you are exercising, it is used up and it is essential to replace it. Good sources of foods for B2 include dairy products such as milk, hard cheeses and eggs. Liver, kidney beans, almonds and leafy green vegetables are also good sources.
  B3 - Niacin - B3 is similar to B2 in that it is necessary for the proper function of the thyroid. It is needed to produce the thyroid hormone. You can find B3 in tuna, salmon, and mackerel. Other sources include turkey, chicken, eggs, oats, barley, dried fruit, and brown rice.
  B5 - Panthothenic Acid - B5 synthesizes and metabolizes fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the body. A deficiency in of B5 interferes with the body's ability to utilize fat. B5 can be found in meats including poultry, liver, and kidneys. Other good sources include green vegetables, whole grain breads, eggs, and nuts.
  B6 - Pyridoxine - B6 is another vitamin in the B family that assists with the thyroid and metabolism. It regulates the production of the thyroid hormone and helps make sure the metabolism is running smoothly. Good sources of B6 include sardines, mackerel, beef, avocados, bananas, brown rice, wheat germ, and eggs.
  B12 - Cyanocobalamin or cobalamin - B12 is probably the most common of the B-complex weight loss vitamins. It is essential for energy production and is involved in the metabolism of virtually every cell in the body. It also plays a key role in the correct functioning of the brain and nervous system. Good sources for B12 include meat (especially liver), shellfish, poultry, milk, and eggs.
  Choline is a member of the vitamin B complex family and is necessary for fat metabolism efficiency. If you are deficient in choline, fats can become trapped in the liver. Good sources of foods for choline include beef liver, beef heart, egg yolks, cauliflower, cucumbers and peanuts.
  Inositol is another member of the vitamin B complex family. When it is combined with choline, it assists in the metabolism of fat. Sources of inositol include eggs, soy products, citrus fruits, beef heart and liver, nuts and whole grains.
 Vitamin C
  Although we hear a lot of benefits of vitamin C from boosting the immune system to preventing certain diseases, it has also been shown to be a valuable weight loss vitamin. It is necessary to help convert glucose to energy in the cells of the body.
  Researchers have also recently found that higher levels of Vitamin C in the body cause fat to be burned at a quicker rate - helping the metabolism to speed up.
  Good sources of vitamin C include oranges, lemons, strawberries, broccoli, green peppers, kiwis, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.
  Chromium is essential for the proper metabolism of fat. It also helps to reduce cholesterol, curb food cravings, convert glucose to energy, and maintain the proper blood sugar levels in the body. Good sources of chromium include wheat germ, raw onions, tomatoes, potatoes and whole grain cereals.
  Do Women's Needs Differ from Men's in Vitamins for Weight Loss?
  Women have some different needs then men when it comes to vitamins and nutrients in the body. So some vitamins for weight loss are more useful for women then they would be for men. Not that they would be bad in men, just not as effective for weight loss. This is due to the difference in structure of fat cells in women as opposed to men. Some specific types of weight loss vitamins that seem to work especially well for women are B2, B3, B5, B6, Choline, Inositol and Vitamin C.
  Basic Tips for Weight Loss Vitamins
  Before making any major changes to your diet, including taking weight loss vitamins, it's a good idea to see your doctor first. A good baseline of blood work and an overall physical will also show you the progress you are making as you make changes to your diet.
  Take a good look at the food sources listed above to create meals that are rich in these vitamins. Many of the various weight loss vitamins are found in the same foods. What you will not find these vitamins in are highly processed foods and foods containing large amounts of sugars. That should give you a good hint of what to avoid!
  Again, you can choose to get the majority of your vitamins for weight loss through eating balanced healthy meals. However, sometimes this is not practical for all meals especially if you have a busy lifestyle. You can also get these vitamins through a variety of pills, liquids, or powders. Another good source of getting your necessary weight loss vitamins is through a protein supplement.
  No matter what protein supplement you use, take a look at the label to ensure the protein supplement you are going to take has a good selection of the vitamins you want. This can be an easy and convenient way to get your weight loss vitamins.

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