Fat Loss Idiots - Don't Be One of Them

   Are you a "fat loss idiot"? Here are five identifying characteristics.
   1. Do you weigh yourself several times a day? Just because you sweat up a storm just now, don't go dashing to the scale expecting to see a change right away. Experts say you should only weigh yourself once a week at most. Otherwise the fluctuations you see are likely to be from water weight alone.
   2. Do you buy every weight-loss pill and potion out there? We all know that diet and weight loss products are a multi-billion dollar industry. The companies that produce these products are mainly interested in helping you lose weight in one area: your bank account. In many cases, weight loss products can cause serious health problems if used incorrectly. In any case, once you stop using the product, the weight you lost will come right back.
   Likewise, fat loss idiots are prone to following every fad diet out there. "Lose 10 lbs a week by eating bananas!" While that may be possible, can you imagine the monotony of eating nothing but bananas? We were created to eat a variety of healthy foods so that our bodies will be at their optimum health.
   3. Do you buy a smaller size just because you can? Sure, you may be able to get the zipper up on those size 8 jeans, but look in the mirror. Do you look like a stuffed sausage? Remember, no one can see the tag. Instead, buy a pair in the size that looks good on you now. You will look thinner.
   4. Do you super size your order, and then wash it down with a diet soda? Many fat loss idiots are guilty of this one: ordering the super-size gigantic burger and fries then washing it down with a diet soda. Do they think the calories will just balance out? It's far better to get a small burger (skip the cheese) and, at best, a small order of fries. Better still: have a salad instead. Then wash it down with water, juice or low-fat milk - each is far better for you than soda.
   5. Do you grieve every time you "fail" at your diet? So you had a piece of birthday cake at a family celebration. That doesn't set back all your weight loss efforts. Treats are intended for special occasions. In all likelihood, you only had a small piece, not half the cake. If you feel really guilty, go take a brisk walk to work it off. Otherwise, relax and enjoy the celebration.
   Well, how did you do? Are you a fat loss idiot? Don't despair: Losing weight is simple. Eat less, exercise more, be persistent and use common sense and you really will lose weight.

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